Mercury Oxide

Mercury oxide is orange color powder, however it is red powder when compounding with trimercury dinitride. There is another name for red powder, Hydrargyri Oxydum Rubrum. HgO orange powder rarely dissolve in water, alcohol and acetone, however dissolve in dilute nitric acid or hydrochloric acid. Mercuric oxide uses mercury(I) nitrate, mercury or mercury as raw material. But the red one needs mercury, potassium nitrate, alumen and so on.

Mercury Oxide

CAS No.:21908-53-2EC No.:244-654-7Molecular Formula:HgOMolecular Weight:216.59
Density:11.53Melting Point:500℃UN 1641 6.1/PG 2 


HgO uses as analytical reagent, for example testing zinc and hydrocyanic acid, acetic acid in formic acid, carbon monoxide in gas mixture. It applies as preservative too.

Mercuric oxide yellow is raw material for production of organic mercury.

Mercuric oxide red is raw material for medicine normally.

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