Boron Arsenide Can Provide Good Heat Dissipation For High Power Electronic Products

The inside of high power electronic devices should be kept with cooling when working. It will slow program run if  the inner temperature is much high, even freeze or may shut down. The researchers from UIUC and UTD cooperated and optimized crystal growth of boron arsenide, which make it own excellent thermal performance. It can efficiently dissipate heat from electronic devices.

The research was published on <Science>, which mean preconceived super heating conduction  material come true first time.

The researchers said, boron arsenide is not natural, so it should be synthesized in lab and it needs special structure and low defect density to own specific heat conductivity peak. So the growth way is controllable from outside.

The co-author Davdid Cahill,director and professor from UIUC DMSE said: ” We analyze structure defect and heat conductivity coefficient of boron arsenide crystal synthesized at UT Dallas . Our trials present origin theory is not complete and it need further work before completely understanding high heat conductivity coefficient.”

Postdoctoral researcher Qiye Zheng from UIUC said ” Using chemical vapor transport technology can synthesize boron arsenide crystal. Element boron and arsenic combine in gas phase and then coldly coagulate to small crystal. We undertook various material characterization and repeat experiements, finally found the situation that can make high quality crystal.

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