Chemical Compounds

We specialized in the custom synthesis of various chemical compounds,offering a wide range of products derived from minor metals,rare earth elements,and precious metals.Our products are widely used across multiple industries,including electronics,photovoltaics,semiconductors,ceramics,metallurgy,energy storage,and fluorescence applications.By providing tailored solutions for each of our clients’ needs,we enable advancements in both research and commercial production of high-performance materials.

We offer custom synthesis of derivatives and chemical compounds of minor metals,rare earth metals,and precious metals,including their sulfides,nitrides,oxides,and other functional derivatives.These chemical compounds are essential in numerous fields,including fluorescence technology,battery manufacturing,semiconductor fabrication,and advanced ceramics.

Minor Metal Compounds

Our comprehensive range of minor metal chemical compounds includes a variety of sulfides,nitrides,silicides,oxides,and other derivative compounds that serve essential roles in key technological sectors.

Lithium SulfideVanadium SulfideAmmonium FluorideMagnesium SulfideBoron SulfideTitanium DiborideMercury OxideAluminum Sulfide
Nickel PhosphideTitanium SilicideSelenium SulfideThallium IodideThallium OxideAluminum OxideNickel NitrideGallium Phosphide
Zinc SelenideTin SulfideTitanium SulfideZirconium SulfideGallium ArsenideArsenic TrioxideNiobium ArsenideTungsten Sulfide
Indium TellurideVanadium CarbideIndium NitrideZirconium FluorideNickel SulfideSelenium TellurideOrganic GermaniumAluminum Nitride
Indium IodideBarium SulfideSilver Sulfide

Minor Metal Salts

Our custom synthesis also includes a wide selection of minor metal salts,which are used as intermediates in chemical reactions,catalysts in various industrial processes,and key materials for advanced products in electronics and photonics.

Ammonium MetavanadateVanadium ChlorideStrontium TitanateZinc FerriteGallium AcetateThallium TrifluoroacetateThallium CarbonateThallium Sulfate
Thallium NitrateThallium FormateThallium BromideThallium ChlorideThallium HydroxideThallium AcetateThallium PhosphateRubidium Carbonate
Zirconium ChlorideVanadyl OxalateIndium ChlorideTungsten EthoxideZirconium OxychlorideIndium PhosphateMercury ChlorideNickel Ferrite
Indium NitrateMercury BromideBarium TitanateGallium ChlorideGallium NitrateIndium Acetate  

Rare Earth Chemical Compounds

Rare earth elements are integral to modern technology, especially in the fields of phosphors,magnets,batteries,catalysts,and optical devices.We offer a variety of rare earth compounds,including sulfides,nitrides,chlorides,oxides,and phosphates.

Europium SulfideNeodymium SulfideEuropium FluorideLanthanum SulfideSamarium ChlorideYtterbium ChloridePraseodymium ChlorideSamarium Nitrate
Lanthanum ChlorideYttrium NitrateCerium ChlorideAmmonium Cerium NitrateTerbium ChlorideThulium NitrateDysprosium Oxalate 

Precious Metal Chemical Compounds

Our precious metal compounds are vital in the production of catalysts,electronics,pharamaceuticals,and speciallty alloys.These compounds include salts and derivatives of rhodium,platinium,palladium,gold,ruthenium,and others,each ofering unique properties suited to high-tech applications.

Rhodium ChlorideRuthenium ChloridePalladium HydroxidePalladium ChloridePlatinum HydroxideGold OxideGold HydroxidePotassium Chloraurate
Rhodium HydroxideRhodium IodideRuthenium Nitrosyl ChlorideHexaammineruthenium Chloride    

Our custom synthesis capabilities allow for the creation of high-purity minor metal,rare earth,and precious metal compounds that meet the specific needs of our clients across various industries.Whether for semiconductors,optical devices,phosphors,batteries,magnetic materials,or advanced catalysts,we provide tailored chemical solutions that push the boundaries.

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